Vitamin Supplement To Treat Hair Loss: Zinc

One of the reasons that contribute to your hair loss problem may be insufficient nutrients. If our bodies lack the necessary vitamins, then it is not possible to expect that they will be functioning optimally and healthily. In fact, one of the major nutrients that prevents and treats hair loss is zinc. By understanding how this nutrient relates to hair loss, you can ensure a diet that is helpful in stopping hair loss.

It is known that zinc will add the extra proteins into your system that will then affect hair growth, as well as healthy skin and nails. If you do not have enough in your system, it will cause your hair to stop growing and fall out. Zinc works in relation to the several proteins that are located throughout your body in order to create a support system for your body. Zinc is needed for cell division, in the growth and maintenance of muscles, helps to control oil glands, and is also required for the synthesis of protein and collagen - which is great for wound healing and a healthy skin.

Zinc deficiency not only produces problems with hair loss, but also with changes in the scalp. The scalp may become too dry or flaky and may often times be irritated because of the lack of nutrients. Many have reported that zinc has been shown to be effective in stopping their hair from turning gray. Even when hair is already gray or becoming thinner and balding, zinc can reverse the effects when taken in proper amounts.

It is not surprising that many suffer from zinc deficiency since zinc is destroyed in the milling process and is also lost in cooking. In addition, a zinc deficiency can result in a poor immune system, heightened sensitivities and allergies, night blindness, loss of smell, white spots under finger nails, skin problems, sleep disturbances etc.

Men with zinc shortage may have a problem with fertility, while women may experience irregular periods. Children with too little zinc may have stunted growth and slow sexual maturity.

Thus, zinc deficiency is a problem that you do not wish to have. In your diet, include a variety of foods that contain this nutrient. Wheat germ, yeast, muscle meat, fish and egg yolks are all known for having a high amount of zinc in them. From here, the proteins will be stimulated in the several areas of your body. It is best to have zinc from natural sources.

If, however, you find that you are not able to consume zinc through natural sources, then you can always buy zinc supplements. Instances where consuming zinc from natural sources is not possible include if you have certain food allergies or intolerances. Zinc supplements are readily available in health stores. They can be effective when you take between fifty to one hundred milligrams a day.

Definitely whether you are having adequate sources of zinc in your diet, is an important factor to consider with regards to your hair loss. This is one vitamin supplement that may just work wonders for your receding hair line.
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Top 10 effective bodybuilding supplements

Thousands of body building supplements have been introduced and tested. Some are proven to work while some are just waste of precious money. Experienced body builders and athletes have listed the top 10 effective bodybuilding supplements and these are the following:

1. Probiotics.

Probiotics are made from good bacteria like acidopilus and bifidus. They help the digestive system to work properly. Manufactured products containing probiotics includes special powder, yogurts, probiotic drinks, and capsules. Probiotics are very important to body builders because they lower cholesterol level and they stimulate the body to produce alpha-interferon that regulates the immune response.

2. Meal replacement powders.

These are great substitute for smaller meals that bodybuilders must take throughout the day. Meal replacements are great in accelerating weight loss and increasing lean muscle mass quickly. They are packed with vitamins, friendly fats, minerals, exact amount of carbohydrate and protein.

3. Weight gain formulas.

These gain powders have always played an important role in bodybuilding. These are especially created for beginners who are too skinny and having difficulty consuming sufficient amount of food to gain weight.

4. Maltodextrin.

Also known as glucose polymer powder or multidextrose. A synthetic polysaccharide is being used by people who are involved in sports to meet the energy demands of extreme exercise. It is a food additive produced mainly from cornstarch. It can be quickly absorbed like glucose making it quicker for body builder to gain needed weight.

5. Protein powders.

Most bodybuilders rely heavily on protein powders so that they get amount of protein they need to gain weight. Protein powder does not only help bodybuilders get the body they desire, but it also helps them build a stronger immune system and healthier skin. In addition, it also helps in developing muscle strength.

Protein powders are made from soy, rice, egg, and whey. These are purchased in powdered form that can easily turn to protein shake by just adding water or mixing it with milk or fruit juice.

6. Pre-workout drinks.

These are energy drinks that contain one or more of stimulants like ephedra, guarana, or caffeine. These help bodybuilders in energizing their day’s workout. Pre-work out drinks generally contains carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, creatine, and amino acids.

7. Creatine monohydrate.

This is the leading bodybuilding supplement that was scientifically researched and was proven to improve overall performance. It’s all-natural and can be found in many food like salmon, tuna, herring, and beef.

8. Creatine formulas.

These usually come in powdered form that contains pure creatine monohydrate, carbohydrate dextrose, and sodium. Studies show that most bodybuilders choose this supplement because they get amazing result in no time.

9. Nutrition bars.

These are useful for athletes who cannot find time to eat. There are different types of nutrition bars; these are high protein bars, sliming bars, and energy bars. These are not highly recommended for body builders because they usually contain fats and additives. They are also very expensive.

10. Glutamine.

This is important because it increases the bodybuilders’ ability to secrete growth hormone that aids in supporting muscle growth and metabolizing body fat. Bodybuilders use glutamine to lose weight without sacrificing the size of their muscles.

Supplement are definitely need for bodybuilding. Use the information above to get the best supplement and get your money’s worth.
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Natural Supplements for Women's Health: Metabolism

Here’s a test: define metabolism. Go ahead, what is it? If you said it’s how fast you burn calories, you’re partially right. Your metabolic rate does determine the number of calories your body burns. But your metabolism governs more than just your metabolic rate. It also keeps everything in balance – like your blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. nutraOrigin, makers of high quality vitamins for women, shares the secrets of supporting a healthy metabolism.

When metabolism goes wrong

In ideal circumstances, your metabolism works like a well-oiled machine. You eat energy in the form of food. The body breaks the food down into sugar. The sugar is transported out of the blood and into the cells by the hormone insulin. Simple.

But most of us don’t lead ideal lives. We tend to eat diets high in simple carbohydrates (like bread, rice, and pastries), which cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. In response, the pancreas secretes loads of insulin. That’s okay occasionally, but when we consistently eat simple carbs, so much insulin is flooded into the system that we can eventually become resistant to it. In fact, one in five Americans suffers from insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes and metabolic syndrome – both of which increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. That’s why it’s important to learn how to lower blood sugar.

Balance your blood sugar

There are a number of things you can do to support normal blood sugar levels. Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet top the list. But natural supplements, such as nutraOrigin’s Glycemic Balance, can also help. Glycemic Balance addresses all three critical aspects of blood sugar balance. First, it increases your body’s sensitivity to insulin, with chromium, cinnamon, and ECGC from green tea. Second, it imitates the effects of insulin with the mineral vanadium. And third, it ignites glucose metabolism, with a high-potency dose of biotin.

When you balance your blood sugar, you’re investing in your long-term health. But you also get short-term benefits, like higher energy levels and an easier time losing weight.

Love your heart

If you’re resistant to insulin, chances are it’s putting a strain on your heart. That’s why any program aimed at supporting optimal metabolism will also address cardiovascular health.

nutraOrigin’s CardioBalance supplement supports your metabolism in keeping your cholesterol levels healthy. It features policosanol, a 100% natural ingredient derived from sugar cane wax, which is backed by multiple scientific studies. Policosanol also protects your heart, veins and arteries, and supports a regular heart rhythm.

Give yourself a good foundation

Your body can survive even the most nutritionally deficient diet. But for your metabolism to really thrive, it needs a multitude of vitamins and minerals – in just the right quantities. Unfortunately, those are hard to get from diet alone. nutraOrigin developed Nutra Multi, a high-quality multivitamin and mineral, to cover your nutritional bases, keep your metabolism humming, and protect your heart with double-strength folic acid.

The experts at nutraOrigin recommend taking all three formulas together for maximum synergistic effect.
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Natural Supplements for Women's Health: Cardiovascular Health

More women fear breast cancer than any other disease. Yet cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims over ten times as many women’s lives as breast cancer. In fact, CVD is the nation’s leading cause of death for both men and women. That’s the bad news. The good news is that CVD is almost entirely preventable. nutraOrigin, makers of high quality vitamins for women, shares the secrets of cardiovascular wellness.

What influences cardiovascular health?

One way to support cardiovascular health is to play by the numbers. All five of the following measurements tell you something about the state of your heart.

Cholesterol: excess cholesterol gets deposited in, and narrows, the artery walls
Triglycerides: elevated triglycerides are associated with a higher risk of coronary artery disease
Blood pressure: high blood pressure puts stress on the artery walls and increases the heart’s workload
Homocysteine: too much homocysteine degrades the structural integrity of the arteries
C-reactive protein: elevated C-reactive protein is associated with a higher risk for hypertension and CVD
Risk Factor Desirable Borderline Undesirable
Total cholesterol Below 200 200-239 240 and above
Triglycerides Below 150 150-199 Above 200
Blood pressure Below 120/80 120/80-140/90 Above 140/90
Homocysteine Below 10 mmol/L 10-18 mmol/L Above 18 mmol/L
c-reactive protein (CRP) Below 1.0 1.0-3.0 Above 3.0

Supplement secrets for heart health

Everyone knows that eating a healthy, whole foods diet and getting regular exercise are important for cardiovascular wellness. But did you know that select nutritional supplements can also make a big difference? Here are three to consider.

Developed by nutraOrigin, Cardio Balance features 10 mg of high quality policosanol. Multiple studies indicate that natural policosanol provides a worry-free way to support healthy cholesterol levels. Cardio Balance features policosanol from sugar cane – not the rice or wheat used in lower-quality products – which is the only form of policosanol proven to deliver cholesterol benefits. This policosanol supplement is produced using a proprietary, all-natural extraction process that delivers the highest quality finished product.

Omega-3 Essentials
Chances are you’ve heard about Omega 3 fatty acids, because they’re good for so many things. At nutraOrigin, we believe supplementing with Omega 3 fish oil, or Omega 3 for short, is one of the best things you can do for your heart. Here are just some Omega 3 benefits:

• Helps maintain healthy levels of triglycerides and C-reactive protein
• Promotes a desirable blood pressure
• Supports a regular heart rhythm

You can buy these essential fats as liquid Omega 3 oil, but most people prefer the convenience of Omega 3 pills. Whichever Omega 3 supplement you choose, just keep in mind that quality differs tremendously among different brands. nutraOrigin’s Omega 3 pills are highly concentrated, purity-certified, readily absorbed, and stabilized with antioxidants.

Nutra Multi Iron-Free
Because so many vitamins and minerals are essential for heart health, taking a comprehensive multivitamin like nutraOrigin’s Nutra Multi Iron-Free is a great way to take care of your heart. This one multiple contains: 1. a plethora of antioxidants, which protect against free radical damage, 2. the trio of B vitamins known to support healthy homocysteine levels, and 3. magnesium, essential for the integrity of the heart muscle.

The experts at nutraOrigin recommend taking all three formulas together for maximum synergistic effect.
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Green Tea: Natures Miracle Heath Drink

“Camellia Sinensis” or Green Tea is rich in Catechins, which are antioxidants. The best variety is said to originate from tea farms in China, especially those protected from pesticides. It is best to drink pure green tea without preservatives or other artificial flavors.

Teas have been found to have powerful effects on levels of cholesterol in the blood stream and on your health in general. Green tea in particular can also help in battling cancer. In Japan, it was discovered that drinking 10 or more cups of green tea daily delays the onset of cancer by some nine years among women and about three years in men.

Another source of good green tea is the high-grade tea sold at Japanese Tea Online. These are delicious teas and contain large amounts of polyphenols and flavoniods (catechins which are also immune system boosters), and natural vitamins and minerals. Catechins destroy free radicals. Green tea also has carotenoids, chlorophyll, polysaccharides natural vitamins C and E, manganese, potassium, and zinc, all essential to your health. Pure green tea is said to be 100 times more effective than vitamin C from other sources, and 25 times better than vitamin E from other sources.

You may find green tea mixed with other medicinal herbs in leading drug stores, but rarely can you find pure green tea sold alone. Green tea is usually sold in tea bags, but modern processing has made possible its liquefied form in bottles, and also its powdered form in sachet packages, without damaging its health and healing benefits.

Green tea and other natural food supplements carry micronutrients that feed your immune system and strengthen your body cells. When the immune system becomes stronger, tissue and cell repair is enhanced in a way that the body retains the ability to heal itself; thus, ailments and even serious diseases are healed. It is not the food supplement itself that heals, but the empowered immune system.

A Japanese monk, Eisai, wrote in 1211 AD that (green) tea is a miraculous medicine for the maintenance of health. “Tea has the extraordinary power to prolong life. Anywhere a person cultivates tea, long life will follow.”
Eisai further wrote that tea in general was known as an elixir that created the “immortal” mountain dwellers.

In the 16th century, European explorers were said to have found that tea, especially green tea, was used to treat fever, headache, joint pains, and stomachaches and some other health ailments.Green tea, according to modern nutritionists and herbal medicine experts, can help prevent high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, heart ailments, skin diseases, and lung ailments. It actually delays the aging process. It eliminates distress by refreshing your mind and body.
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Ginseng; Is It Really Beneficial or an Asian Myth?

For thousands of years, ginseng has been revered in the Orient as an almost magical natural supplement with amazing benefits for those who use it regularly. It is said that ginseng will boost the immune system, enhance vitality, increase physical endurance, increase mental alertness, and treat illnesses like colds, fevers, headaches, and vomiting. It is even believed to be an aphrodisiac.

Let’s face it, if ginseng actually had the properties to give all the benefits it is believed to give, people would be taking it with every meal. The fact is however, the benefits of ginseng fall a far sight short of its claims.

Commercially, ginseng is taken as tea, in capsules, in liquid form from viles, or even by eating the root itself. Usually it is taken in doses of around 5 grams at a time. Ginseng is most commonly grown in Asia, particularly in China, Korea, and Japan, although it can also be found in wooded areas from Quebec to Missouri.

Ginsenosides, which is the active substance in the root, has been shown to increase endurance and decrease fatigue in mice when given to them in large amounts. One study where large amounts were given to humans noted a small improvement in the endurance levels of those who took it. Also, “Chinese herbal medicine”, published by the US National Institute of Health, claims the use of ginseng can raise unusually low blood pressure and can help prevent shock after heart attacks.

However, there is no good scientific evidence to support any of the claims made of these alleged benefits of consuming this root. It is also very likely that when you buy ginseng at the store, it will have a low concentration of ginsenosides in it. This means that even if ginseng does have some marginal benefit to offer, you will probably not receive any of them.

The lancet, a British medical journal, published a study done in Sweden which showed that most commercially sold ginseng products contained only trace amounts of ginsenosides. These findings concluded that the amount of ginsenosides found in these products was too insignificant to be of any benefit. Some of the products, including two sold in the US (“Siberian Ginseng” and “Up Your Gas”), had almost none of this substance at all.

For the most part, taking small to moderate amounts of ginseng will not be harmful to you, but you have to ask yourself if dollar for dollar it is worth taking something which is of no real value or benefit to you. We all can fall victim to hype made about a product, especially one that has been around for thousands of years, but when there is no good, proven science to support that products claims, save your money for a more useful purpose.
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Calcium helps the heart, nerves, muscles, and other body systems work properly.

Common Forms: calcium citrate, calcium carbonate, calcium gluconate, calcium lactate, calcium chloride, calcium malate, calcium aspartate, calcium ascorbate

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. It is essential for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth; roughly 99% of calcium in the body is deposited in these two places. Calcium also helps the heart, nerves, muscles, and other body systems work properly. To function correctly, calcium must be accompanied by several other nutrients including magnesium, phosphorous, and vitamins A, C, D, and K.

The best sources of calcium are foods (see Dietary Sources), but supplements may be necessary for those who cannot meet their calcium needs through diet alone. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, many Americans consume less than half the amount of calcium recommended to build and maintain healthy bones. Heavy use of caffeine can diminish calcium levels; therefore, higher amounts of calcium may be needed if you drink a lot of coffee. Also, a diet high in protein can increase loss of calcium through the urine. Excessive intake of sodium, phosphates (from carbonated beverages) and alcohol, as well as the use of aluminum-containing antacids also contribute to increased excretion of calcium.

Calcium deficiency can be found in people with malabsorption problems, such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease, and surgical intestinal resection. Prolonged bed rest causes loss of calcium from the bones and the elderly are less able to absorb calcium.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency include muscle spasm or cramping, typically in hands or feet; hair loss (alopecia); dry skin and nails which may also become misshapen; numbness, tingling, or burning sensation around the mouth and fingers; nausea and vomiting; headaches; yeast infections (candidiasis); anxiety; convulsions/seizures; and poor tooth and bone development.


Obtaining adequate calcium can help prevent and/or treat the following conditions:


An inadequate supply of calcium over the lifetime is thought to play a significant role in contributing to the development of osteoporosis. Calcium is necessary to help build and maintain healthy bones and strong teeth. Studies have shown that calcium, particularly in combination with vitamin D, can help prevent bone loss associated with menopause, as well as the bone loss experienced by elderly men. If adequate amounts of calcium are not being obtained through the diet, calcium supplements are necessary.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Calcium levels often measure lower the week prior to one's menstrual period compared to the week after. Studies suggest that calcium supplementation helps relieve mood swings, food cravings, pain or tenderness, and bloating associated with premenstrual syndrome.

High Cholesterol

Preliminary studies in animals and people suggest that calcium supplements, in the range of 1,500 to 2,000 mg per day, may help to lower cholesterol. The information available thus far suggests that keeping cholesterol levels normal or even low by using calcium supplements (along with many other measures such as changing your diet and exercising) is likely to be more beneficial than trying to treat it by adding calcium once you already have elevated cholesterol. More research in this area is needed.


In a population based study (one in which large groups of people are followed over time), women who take in more calcium, both through the diet and with added supplements, were less likely to have a stroke over a 14 year time course. More research is needed to fully assess the strength of the connection between calcium and risk of stroke.

Colon Cancer

Although some studies are conflicting, mounting evidence suggests that people who consume high amounts of calcium, vitamin D, and milk in their diets are significantly less likely to develop colorectal cancer than those who consume low amounts of the same substances. Although it is best to obtain calcium from the diet, the suggested amounts for the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer (namely, 800 IU/day of vitamin D and 1,800 mg/day of calcium) will most likely require supplementation.


Both animal and human studies have found that dietary calcium intake (from low-fat dairy products) may be associated with a decrease in body weight. These effects cannot necessarily be attributed to calcium alone since dairy sources of calcium contain other nutrients (including magnesium and potassium) that may be involved in the weight loss. A review of all studies up to the year 2000 did conclude, however, that supplementation of 1,000 mg of calcium can facilitate as much as 8 kilograms (17.6 pounds) of weight loss and 5 kilogram (11 pound) loss of fat.

Dietary Sources

The richest dietary sources of calcium include cheeses (such as parmesan, romano, gruyere, cheddar, American, mozzarella, and feta), wheat-soy flour, and blackstrap molasses. Some other good sources of calcium include almonds, brewer's yeast, bok choy, Brazil nuts, broccoli, cabbage, dried figs, kelp, dark leafy greens (dandelion, turnip, collard, mustard, kale, Swiss chard), hazelnuts, ice cream, milk, oysters, sardines, canned salmon soybean flour, tahini, and yogurt.

Foods that are fortified with calcium, such as juices, soy milk, rice milk, tofu and cereals, are also good sources of this mineral.

Calcium may also be obtained from a variety of herbs, spices, and seaweeds. Examples include basil, chervil, cinnamon, dill weed, fennel, fenugreek, ginseng, kelp, marjoram, oregano, parsley, poppy seed, sage, and savory.

New Life Health Centers has no means of independently evaluating the safety or functionality of the products offered by their suppliers and affiliates and thus can neither endorse nor recommend products. Information presented is of a general nature for educational and informational purposes only. Statements about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. Products and information presented herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. If you have any concerns about your own health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.
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Bone Up On Vitamin D

Weak, fragile bones and susceptibility to fractures-these are some of the painful consequences of the debilitating bone disease, osteoporosis. Currently, 10 million people suffer from osteoporosis in the United States and another 34 million are at risk of developing the disease. The Surgeon General has named osteoporosis a national health threat and estimated that by 2020 one in two Americans over the age of 50 will be at risk for fractures from osteoporosis or low bone mass.

There are several risk factors associated with the development of osteoporosis, including inadequate levels of vitamin D, a nutrient essential to the body's absorption of calcium. Recent research has uncovered that over 70 percent of women over the age of 50 have low levels of vitamin D, and even women being treated for osteoporosis have low levels of the important vitamin. To address the need for greater awareness about low levels of vitamin D, Spirit of Women Hospital Network has teamed up with Dr. Marie Savard, an internationally recognized women's health expert, to launch a new vitamin D risk assessment.

"Patients are frequently unaware of the importance of vitamin D in bone health and may not know they have low levels of vitamin D. Given its effect on calcium absorption, vitamin D inadequacy is an important medical concern for women, especially those over 50 or those who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis," said Dr. Savard.

In 2005, The American Medical Women's Association issued recommendations that called for an increase in vitamin D to 800-1,000 IU daily. The risk assessment will enable women to actively address the adequacy of their vitamin D intake and will direct them toward a possible treatment option for osteoporosis to discuss with their doctors.

"Women today want to be on top of their health to ensure their mobility and independence for a lifetime. The vitamin D risk assessment will help women recognize risk factors for osteoporosis and empower them to make important decisions about their bone health," said Tanya Abreu, national director of Spirit of Women Hospital Network. "By spreading the word about the importance of vitamin D, we hope that women would recognize one of the risk factors for osteoporosis and take ACTION to prevent osteoporosis by talking to their doctors."
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